Mu Xing Bamboo Massage Online Class 5 CE

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Mu-Xing Therapy is an instrument-assisted, deep tissue massage technique using warmed bamboo and rosewood tools. Mu-Xing tools act as an extension of your hands- reducing overall wear and tear on the hands, wrists and arms. The warmth of the tools helps to melt muscular tension and allow the therapist to work deeper and with less effort.

Mu-Xing combines massage and heat therapy for a luxurious treatment experience that increases circulation and flexibility and decreases pain, stiffness and tension.

The Mu-Xing On Line course covers everything you need to know to begin incorporating Mu-Xing Warm Bamboo Massage in your massage therapy tool box. Students will learn about the benefits and contraindications, the care and cleaning of your tools, how to set up a session, and how to perform a full-body Mu-Xing Massage. Students will enjoy access to 2 separate full-body videos plus an in depth look at each tool and technique. The class includes an instruction manual which includes everything you need to know right at your fingertips!

Once you have taken the class you will have access to the videos to go back to anytime. 


  • Explanation of Mu-Xing Therapy
  • Description of the tools, oils and heaters
  • Benefits and Contraindications
  • Care and Cleaning of Tools
  • Preparing for a Mu-Xing Session
  • In Depth look at each tool and technique
  • 2 Full Body Sessions

Certified Practitioner Status

– to become certified in Mu Xing (Bamboo) Massage, you must complete a verified live class or online class. The online class consists of a 5 hr CE Class. You must successfully complete this class and exam and then submit a video practical of Mu Xing work for review by a Mu Xing instructor. The video practical will be examined and either approved, or guidelines given for further refinement and reviewed again. Once competed, certification will be complete.

Certification offers practitioner listing on Mu Xing site and lifetime 10% off all Mu Xing products as well as special offers on continued training.

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