Nirvana ErgoFix Face Support System

Price: From $49.95 to $99.95

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We have a lot of therapists, and clinic owners who come in and say, “My clients faces are falling through my face rest" or "My clients are complaining about too much pressure on their sinuses and forehead” and finally we hear, "My clients are complaining that their chins are resting on the bar."  And they want a solution. This problem becomes exaggerated when the therapist applies pressure to the upper back and shoulder area causing the face to sink deeper and the cervical spine to compress into extension.  Most modern face cradles are poorly designed and  table manufacturers have responded to these complaints by creating more range in the adjust-ability, adding flex to the base of the head cradle, designing pillow pads made of new and different materials.  None of them have addressed these problems in an effective way.  The Nirvana ErgoFix Face Support System is designed to gently support the chin and allow the cervical spine to achieve a more natural position. Preventing the chin from falling through will also decrease pressure on the forehead and sinuses by providing support to the entire face.  This has the positive effect of elongating the neck and bringing relaxation to the cervical spine. 

The entire system can be purchased including face rest and pillow pad or the platform and strap can be purchased separately and used with your existing face rest. The base is designed to Velcro easily onto your existing head cradle and the strap is made from 40% stretch elastic with a premium vinyl cover that is easy to clean. The platform is made from HDPE a high density, lightweight plastic. 

If you have a face rest with a curved base such as the FlexRest of Caress you will need to purchase the entire system. A foundation only upgrade for face cradles with a curved or flexible base will be available soon.

When you purchase the complete package you will receive:

  • 2 Layer- Memory Foam Face Pillow
  • Deluxe Adjustable Face Cradle
  • Base 
  • Strap
  • Vinyl Sleeve
  • Clips

When you purchase the foundation only system to use with your current face cradle you will receive:

  • Base 
  • Strap
  • Vinyl Sleeve
  • Clips
This product is patent pending

Learn how to use the Peak Positioning System

 Set Up Instructions, Benefits and Use

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Thomas (NYC) 1/2/2017 3:32 PM
Solves the problem with all head rests, the head falling through and hitting the bar or causing neck strain. Thanks Nirvana!